Case Study: Summer Breeze USA

Shacoria Wilson

Written By:
Shacoria Wilson

Shacoria Wilson is a Marketing Assistant at The Uptown Agency. She likes coffee, writing, and all things pink.

Jan 31 2018


When crafting the brand for Summer Breeze, we knew we needed something that felt approachable, friendly, and yet also high end. RVers can be highly discerning, and Summer Breeze definitely caters to that upper echelon of the RV world.

What we did.

Brand Messaging

Brand Design

Brand Strategy

Traditional Advertisment

Web Design

Web Development

“Summer Breeze needed a brand that had class and broad appeal, and RBA (acquired by The Uptown Agency in 2024) really nailed it. Everything from the logo to the building signage was consistent and they really thought through every detail.”

- Steve Berges, Founder and CEO, Summer Breeze USA


When crafting the brand for Summer Breeze, we knew we needed something that felt approachable, friendly, and yet also high end. RVers can be highly discerning, and Summer Breeze definitely caters to that upper echelon of the RV world.



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