Written By:
Shacoria Wilson
Shacoria Wilson is a Marketing Assistant at The Uptown Agency. She likes coffee, writing, and all things pink.
Case Study: Life at Preston Hollow Village
Jan 28 2018

Preston Hollow Village has become a go-to destination in North Dallas for food, shopping, and living. As the mixed-use development continues to grow, its next phase is to build a class-A office tower, fit for some of the best and brightest companies in Dallas. It was important for companies locating to PHV to show the office environment, how it ties into the rest of the development and the benefits it gives to employees.
What we did.
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“Their creative approach, commitment to process, and ability to deliver results make them a great partner for Provident Realty.”
- Kristen Steinbrecher, Marketing Manager, Provident Realty

While it was an easy job for us to show off such a beautiful and well-thought-out development, it was a little more difficult to show off a beautiful office tower that didn’t exist yet. RBA (acquired by The Uptown Agency in 2024) took drawings and CAD files from the architect and created a beautifully rendered, 3D environment of the office building, composited right into the real-life footage. For the brokers at Stream Realty and the owners at Provident Realty, this makes their job of leasing build-to-suite office space easier and more efficient.