RocketBrand ( now The Uptown Agency) Wins Big at Davey Awards

Written By:
Shacoria Wilson
Shacoria Wilson is a Marketing Assistant at The Uptown Agency. She likes coffee, writing, and all things pink.
Nov 2 2018
Dallas, Texas — October 30, 2018 — Dallas ad agency RocketBrand (now The Uptown Agency) is proud to announce it has been honored with two Silver Davey awards for their work with Vent-A-Hood and Nerio Athletic Labs.
Vent-A-Hood “Outstanding Community Building & Engagement for Social”
RocketBrand (now The Uptown Agency) was recognized with the award for “Outstanding Community Building & Engagement for Social” for their transformation of Vent-A-Hood’s social media strategy. Vent-A-Hood presented RocketBrand (now The Uptown Agency) with a challenge— sales are facilitated through distributors, so they needed an avenue to connect directly to the customer. RocketBrand (now The Uptown Agency) created a unique community engagement strategy via social media, utilizing user-generated-content, influencer programs, audience building, and more, growing average engagement by 500% and reaching over 3 million users worldwide.
Nerio Athletic Labs “Outstanding Brand Identity”
Nerio Athletic Labs engaged RocketBrand (now The Uptown Agency) to create the brand identity and go-to-market strategy for a groundbreaking product to enhance athletic stamina, endurance, and pain management. RocketBrand (now The Uptown Agency) positioned Nerio as a scientifically-proven solution that is strong enough for the Ironman, the Olympian, and the gridiron on Sundays—but made for the weekend warrior, the Thursday night basketball league, the yogi, the 18 holes on Saturday, and the 4 everything-you-got miles after work.
The Davey Awards recognized RocketBrand (now The Uptown Agency) as a Silver winner in the Brand Identity category, adding to the agency’s bevy of awards for 2018.
About the Davey Awards
The Davey’s are the largest and most prestigious awards competition exclusively for the “Davids” of creativity. David defeated the giant Goliath with a big idea and a little rock – the sort of thing small agencies do each year. The annual International Davey Awards honors the achievements of the “Creative Davids” who derive their strength from big ideas, rather than stratospheric budgets.
The Giants Behind the Davey
The Davey Awards may be for smaller companies, but the judges have big reputations. The Davey is sanctioned and judged by the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts, an invitation-only body consisting of top-tier professionals from a “Who’s Who” of acclaimed media, advertising, and marketing firms.
AIVA members include executives from organizations such as Condé Nast, Disney, GE, Keller Crescent, Microsoft,, MTV, Push, Publicis, Sesame Workshops, The Marketing Store, Worktank, Yahoo!, and many more.
Read more about the Davey Awards: